NEWYORK: Al-Rayaan Muslim Funeral Services will make funeral and burial arrangements of Muslim elder whose legal heirs could not be found for last eight months
The body of Masood Ahmed, a Muslim elder, had been kept in New York City’s mortuary since August 7 last year.
A woman member of the Hamza Masjid drew attention of the matter and several community members tried to find out legal heirs or relatives of the deceased but no legal heir of the deceased found.
The social welfare organization decided to arrange the funeral and burial of the deceased and Al-Rayaan Muslim Funeral Services has contacted to the relevant department for accepting the body of the deceased for burial.
The funeral arrangements will be made on Friday at Al Rayaan Muslim Funeral Services and after Friday prayers the funeral prayers will be offered at Makkah Masjid and later he will be buried at the local graveyard.