
Americans marks 245th Independence day celebrations.

New York,

Two hundred and forty-five years ago, United States of America got independence from Britain on this day, July 4, 1776. On the occasion of Independence Day security is tightened and on high alerts on the US borders. Every year American Independence Day begins with parades, fireworks, barbecue parties, political speeches and other celebrations.

This year Independence Day parades and mostly official events have cancelled due to Corona outbreak however some events were held on a limited scale with corona SOP’s. Washington D.C. Pennsylvania and many other states organizes a fireworks on Independence Day in Parks and grounds while some states banned the Independence Celebrations due to Corona precautions.

France recently presented to the United States a small replica of the Statue of Liberty housed in the Museum of Arts and Crafts in Paris. Three meter tall Little sister statue produced in 2009 and from the beginning till now it will be kept in the museum and has been in France.

The statue will now be installed on Ellis Island in New York. A statue will be sent to the US capital, Washington, where it will be installed outside the French ambassador’s residence for the next 10 years.

On Independence Day, citizens show love for country by wearing red and white stripes or American flags. Some citizens have waved American flags outside their homes. The US Embassy in Pakistan also hosted a virtual event on the occasion. Independence Day celebrations broadcast live on the US Embassy’s Social Media accounts.

On Monday, July 5, a public holiday has been declared across the country to mark the 245th independence day.

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