NEWYORK: The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) unanimously adopted a resolution proclaiming July 6 every year as the “World Rural Development Day”.
Bangladesh initiated the resolution and a core group comprising Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Peru, the Philippines and Thailand tabled it at the plenary of the 78th session of UNGA.
At least 30 countries co-sponsored the resolution, which was adopted by consensus by the member states of the UN, without any voting, according to a statement of the Bangladesh Permanent Mission to the UN in New York.
July 6 has been chosen as the World Rural Development Day in commemoration of the date of establishment of the “Center on Integrated Rural Development for Asia and the Pacific (CIRDAP)” on July 6, 1979, as a recognition of the organizations significant role in sustainable rural development endeavors in its member states in the Asia-Pacific region.
The date of 6 July has been proposed to UN FAO on 15 December 2020 and to CIRDAP members for establishment by the Secretariat of CIRDAP.
The Governing Council of CIRDAP at its 23rd Session on 21st April 2022 held in Bangkok, Thailand endorsed the initiative to establish the World Rural Development Day on 6th July 2022 in order that the day can be officially recognized worldwide. CIRDAP launched the World Rural Development Day on 6th July 2022 through the webinar presented by the DG of CIRDAP as well as at the 43rd anniversary of CIRDAP held on 25th July 2022.
On 28 July 2022, CIRDAP sent a letter to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bangladesh to inform about the initiative and to seek consideration in proposing the proposal on the establishment of the World Rural Development Day directly to the UNGA through Bangladesh’s Permanent Mission to the United Nations in New York, U.S.A.
Permanent Representative of Bangladesh to the UN in New York Ambassador Mohammad Abdul Muhith who presented the resolution before the UNGA, underscored the importance of sustainable and inclusive rural development in attaining the SDGs by 2030. The areas he highlighted include poverty alleviation, food production, socio-economic development, ecosystem restoration and improved livelihoods.